kolin group's 2020 league building and development activities-乐鱼全站app网页版

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kolin group's 2020 league building and development activities
  information guide : kelin group carried out the 2020 team building and expansion activities of "concentrating the forces and challenging the new starting point" in the jinggangshan revolutionary base


in april, we met with jinggang mountain. in order to gather the strength of kelin team, we cast elite team to better learn and carry forward the spirit of jinggangshan, and carry out the group construction and expansion activities in jinggangshan revolutionary base area in 2020, which is "gathering strength and challenging new starting point".

historical review
jinggangshan revolutionary base is the first rural revolutionary base founded by the communist party of china in the middle of luoxiao mountain range on the border of hunan and jiangxi during the agrarian revolutionary war.

on october 27, 1927, mao zedong led more than 1000 workers' and peasants' revolutionary forces to ciping in jinggangshan area and began the struggle to establish the revolutionary base area of jinggangshan. in february 1928, jinggangshan revolutionary base was initially formed, and the chinese revolution embarked on the right path of encircling the city in the countryside and finally winning the national victory.

activity review
with spring rains in succession, we came to jinggangshan revolutionary museum with the expectation of exploring the revolutionary road. as soon as you enter the museum, you can see the red oil lamp. the "fire" of the red oil lamp symbolizes a single spark, which can burn down the "old road", implying that the chinese revolution has opened up a new road, corresponding to the "single spark can start a prairie fire" under the lamp.。

under the guidance of the commentator in the museum, i visited four theme pavilions in turn and witnessed the development and expansion history of jinggangshan revolutionary base. those precious cultural relics, historical pictures and scenes that witnessed the arduous struggle of the jinggangshan revolution emerge in front of us, bringing you into the red revolutionary land and back to the chinese revolutionary era.

witnessing so many historical memories, we are deeply touched by the severity of the revolutionary situation at that time, have a deeper understanding of the history of the chinese revolution, and deeply realize that today's happy life is hard won. nowadays, with the development of production and the increasingly serious problem of environmental pollution, kelin group is committed to "making manufacturing enterprises better" to serve customers and society.



through visiting the museum, we really felt the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs to fight bravely without fear of sacrifice. we knew that every step we took was made by countless revolutionary martyrs with blood and life.

later, we came to jinggangshan revolutionary martyrs' cemetery, where we held a solemn and solemn mourning ceremony, and offered wreaths and bows to the revolutionary martyrs who died gloriously.


the novel coronavirus was threatening in 2020. because the medical staff who came forward to fight against the virus were controlled, the enterprises could resume work and resume production in succession.

there are no heroes in the world, only mortals! ——honor the martyrs and heroes 


after a day of group construction and expansion activities, i deeply felt the hardships of revolutionary soldiers. my colleagues of kelin group learned and carried forward the jinggangshan revolutionary spirit, and carried out the jinggangshan spirit of "firm faith, hard work, seeking truth from facts, daring to blaze a new path, relying on the masses and daring to win" in their work. 




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